Friday, January 25, 2013


Favorite Class

We had PE specialist every other week, them I took the PE class every other week too.  NOW we will have PE specialist EVERY WEEK.

Indoor recess

After Christmas, because of bad weather and air pollution, we have indoor recess almost everyday. The following activities are what kids do during indoor recess.

Give me the microphone

Give me the microphone

Kids really love speaking with microphone. It probably makes them feel like a SUPERSTAR! I always let them answer my question together or one by one. And now I let them try to copy me in asking questions. Go to ask three friends questions.

Read, Ask and Answer

Read, Ask and Answer

When we are reading our textbook: Better Chinese, they follow and repeat after me at beginning. After practicing for a while, they can copy me to ask questions to their partners. Their partner answer the questions. Then take turns. I try my best to let every kids have most chances to answer my questions in class. This is also a great choice to let every kids practice listening and speaking.

Chinese Character Writing

Look at their PERFECT writing...

We practice writing everyday. Kids are learning how to WRITE, but not draw a character. They follow me every stroke with saying the name of every stroke. Some kids knows the general rule of stroke orders now. They can predict the next stroke.

The other advantage of writing is recognize character. If they know how to write a character, they can recognize and read it. After writing a sentence, I let them erase the character one by one that I sound . Take every chance to practice to perfect.